Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Zombies Are Coming Back!

I got your plan for TV show on July 4th.

Fans of zombies have been waiting for 'The Walking Dead' Season 4 for months. As AMC which produces the show stated, it will come back to TV on October 13th this year.

If you don't want to wait that long time and don't have a plan for July 4th and this weekend, you should sit down in front of your TV watching 'The Walking Dead' season 4 preview. It's a preview, so some episodes will be presented in black and white. The new season will be very intense as the cast said. If you have read the comic book of 'The Walking Dead', you will find out the new season is different from the comic book.

There are three new characters will show up in the new season.

Laura A single mother who was a nurse
Melody A strong woman
Don An old man who is over 50 years old and has a grand daughter.

On July 4th - 7th, don't miss 'The Walking Dead' season 4 preview. 

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