Saturday, July 6, 2013

Where is my Walking Dead?

I am a fan of zombie TV shows 'The Walking Dead", and I don't think every zombie TV shows or movie should be like that, but the new zombie movie World War Z just disappointed me. 

Brad Pitt, who is a leading role in the movie, is a handsome, charming, powerful and experienced actor, and he saves the world in the movie, but he can't save the movie in the end. A warm and surprising opening is good, because it is powerful that something destroys happiness and it arouses my interest. Besides, the zombies that run fast and are easy to die are kind of cute. However, the story is jut too normal.

People turn into zombies by virus, and then a hero goes to find out the cure with his life and saves the world finally. Any other interesting points? No. As a fan of 'The Walking Dead', I like its story about humanity with a background of zombies, but World War Z just talks a little about humanity, not deep enough. The scenes of fighting zombies are not enough. The scenes of finding the cure in the lab are not intense enough. Every important element of a zombie movie in World War Z is not enough. It is a normal, even a little boring, zombie story.

Another zombie movie Warm Bodies in the early of this year is much better than World War Z, even though there was not a big cast in the movie. The story of Warm Bodies is interesting, funny and warm. The concept of zombie is different from others. Zombies can be turned back to human, which is not the original zombie story we saw before.

I still like the humanity story with the zombie background, like 'The Walking Dead'. The Walking Dead season 4 is coming back on October 13th. The new season preview is showing during this weekend on AMC that the company produces the show. Let's looking forward to the great zombie TV shows, rather than the failed zombie movie.

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