Tuesday, July 23, 2013

2013 Emmy Award Is On The Way

2013 Emmy Award nominees announced a few days ago. The shining point of this year is that the streaming network Netflix is shown on the nominations list. House of Cards that Netflix produces is the first online TV show on the list.

House of Cards Trailer

Netflix has remade other production companies' TV series and movies for few years. Now, it became one of the competitors in Emmy Awards this year. Netflix has 14 nominees in 2013 Emmy Award. No one can tell whether more and more streaming production companies or networks will join this competition or not, but we can see the trend of television. Actually, more and more people watch TV shows online rather than sit in front of TV. If the competition is good, the benefit still goes to the audience, us.

On the list, American Horror Story: Asylum that has 17 nominees and Game of Thrones that has 16 nominees are ahead of others. The 2013 Emmy Award will be held on September 22nd.

The nomination of 2013 Emmy Award
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