Saturday, August 3, 2013

TV Duo Officially Launches!

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bon Temps!

The summer vampire series True Blood has three episodes left, and then another vampire series The Vampire Dairies will be back in October. Do you find that all vampire stories happened in the middle of the United State? Let’s explore the vampire town in True Blood. It’s Bon Temps.

As we heard in True Blood, Bon Temps is in the Louisiana. Louisiana was inhabited by Native Americans when European explores arrived in the sixteenth century.  The state has been governed under 10 different flags beginning in fifteen forty-one with Hernando de Soto's claim of the region for Spain. In Louisiana, both English and French are the official languages, so you will hear people speak French. Base on the history of Louisiana, you will see a lot French culture in Bon Temps. The French people in Bon Temps are called Cajun. Here, you have to try Cajun cuisine. Gumbo is a famous Cajun soup in Bon Temps. It is a soup influenced by Native American and African food culture.

In Bon Temps, you can visit the shooting locations of True Blood, such as Sookie Starkhouse’s house, Vampire Bill’s house and Sam’s bar. Only one thing you can’t see is the vampire. Don’t worry about vampires bite you at night and the fairies hear your mind secretly. You are all safe when you are visiting in Bon Temps.

Friday, July 26, 2013

NBC Is Getting On The Vampire Page.

Fans of TV series, you may be getting boring in summer because many TV series are taking a break a summer. True Blood and Under The Dome are probably the TV series you are following. Just keep your patience, all the popular TV series are coming back in two months.

In the early post of TV Duo blog, we talked about the vampire TV series. After checking the TV shows schedule, you will find out that the vampire TV series never get out of our TV. We are watching True Blood season 6 this summer. Vampire Dairies is coming back in September, and the new series The Originals which is divine from Vampire Dairies will be shown in fall as well. The vampires are on our TVs all year long.

If you are really a big fan of vampires and think those vampire series are not enough for you, you will have one more show in fall. NBC just announced that the new vampire TV series will start on October 25th. This TV series is called Dracula.
Apparently, the story is about the original vampire Dracula. After the pilot preview, some comments said that there was much less blood, sex and fighting in this series. It seems that Dracula is not a typical vampire series, but is NBC taking a risk when we are getting tired of the vampire TV series? The answer will be on October.

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TV Duo by Benjamin Ng is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Thursday, July 25, 2013

MOAB in Under The Dome

The TV series Under The Dome just keep me curious! The fifth episode just came out last week. The most impressive scene is the bomb hits the dome when Joe is kissing Norrie.

In the show, the bomb has a name called MOAB. In military field, it is one kind of bombs. M.O.A.B. is short for Massive Ordnance Air Burst that is used to destroy hardened targets. It has a nickname - Mother Of All Bomb, which is still shortened to M.O.A.B. In the show, people in the town called it missile. Actually, M.O.A.B. is not a missile. A missile has a booster, but M.O.A.B. doesn't have it. M.O.A.B. is dropped from the airplane.

In this episode, we heard "Moab" twice. The second time is people are talking about the bomb, and the first time is the priest is talking to Big Jim. He said God said "Moab" to him. Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in Jordan. The land lies alongside much of the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. The existence of the Kingdom of Moab is attested to by numerous archeological findings. In Biblical times, the nation was often in conflict with its Israelite neighbors to the west.

The region around 830 BC. Moab is shown in purple. (Source: Wiki)

Back to the show, there is nothing happened to the dome although the big bomb was dropped on it. It is good that people in town are still alive, but they are still trapped. What will happen next? Looking forward to next episode! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

2013 Emmy Award Is On The Way

2013 Emmy Award nominees announced a few days ago. The shining point of this year is that the streaming network Netflix is shown on the nominations list. House of Cards that Netflix produces is the first online TV show on the list.

House of Cards Trailer

Netflix has remade other production companies' TV series and movies for few years. Now, it became one of the competitors in Emmy Awards this year. Netflix has 14 nominees in 2013 Emmy Award. No one can tell whether more and more streaming production companies or networks will join this competition or not, but we can see the trend of television. Actually, more and more people watch TV shows online rather than sit in front of TV. If the competition is good, the benefit still goes to the audience, us.

On the list, American Horror Story: Asylum that has 17 nominees and Game of Thrones that has 16 nominees are ahead of others. The 2013 Emmy Award will be held on September 22nd.

The nomination of 2013 Emmy Award

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dreams are in NYADA?

In the popular musical TV series Glee, there is a famous art school called NYADA that is short for New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts. It seems become everyone's dream school in Glee. However, in our real life, this dream school doesn't exist in New York. 

Don't worry if you are a dream of art chaser. There are three famous art schools in New York. They are Tisch School of The Arts at New York, New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts and American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I think NYADA in Glee is an imagination combined with these three real schools. 

Glee just keeps reminding us of our dreams. The schools and the dreams in Glee can be fake, but our dreams are true in our heart. Go! Every dream chaser! 

Adam Lambert is going to Glee!

We are in summer, but we all miss Glee!

We may hear more rock songs in Glee season 5, because Adam Lambert has got a role in that new season.

Ryan Murphy, the producer of Glee, announced this news on his Twitter. However, he didn't say what kind of role Adam will be. I guess Adam will be an instructor of a glee club in the new season. A competitor to Mr. Schuester? This news makes us have more expectation from season 5! 

The new season is coming back on September 19th. Glee's fans are looking forward to it! Before it, let's review a song from Glee. It will definitely rock us!  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Another LOST?

The popular TV drama show 'Lost' ended three years ago. A new drama show about humanity and mystery is on TV in this summer. 'Under The Dome' which is produced by CBS is derived from a Stephen King's novel 'Under The Dome'.

Lost is about people who survived in an airplane crash fight for their lives in an isolated island. If you are not the readers of the novel 'Under The Dome', you may find out the concept of this new TV shows is similar to 'Lost'. I just saw the first episode, and it made me interested. How will people do when they are isolated from outside without importing living resources? The answer is in the TV show. Besides, everyone including the audience wants to know why this 'Dome' just happened to the small town. A lot of questions will come to your mind after you watch the pilot. I am not sure if it is better than 'Lost', but it is still a good one.

Where is my Walking Dead?

I am a fan of zombie TV shows 'The Walking Dead", and I don't think every zombie TV shows or movie should be like that, but the new zombie movie World War Z just disappointed me. 

Brad Pitt, who is a leading role in the movie, is a handsome, charming, powerful and experienced actor, and he saves the world in the movie, but he can't save the movie in the end. A warm and surprising opening is good, because it is powerful that something destroys happiness and it arouses my interest. Besides, the zombies that run fast and are easy to die are kind of cute. However, the story is jut too normal.

People turn into zombies by virus, and then a hero goes to find out the cure with his life and saves the world finally. Any other interesting points? No. As a fan of 'The Walking Dead', I like its story about humanity with a background of zombies, but World War Z just talks a little about humanity, not deep enough. The scenes of fighting zombies are not enough. The scenes of finding the cure in the lab are not intense enough. Every important element of a zombie movie in World War Z is not enough. It is a normal, even a little boring, zombie story.

Another zombie movie Warm Bodies in the early of this year is much better than World War Z, even though there was not a big cast in the movie. The story of Warm Bodies is interesting, funny and warm. The concept of zombie is different from others. Zombies can be turned back to human, which is not the original zombie story we saw before.

I still like the humanity story with the zombie background, like 'The Walking Dead'. The Walking Dead season 4 is coming back on October 13th. The new season preview is showing during this weekend on AMC that the company produces the show. Let's looking forward to the great zombie TV shows, rather than the failed zombie movie.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Zombies Are Coming Back!

I got your plan for TV show on July 4th.

Fans of zombies have been waiting for 'The Walking Dead' Season 4 for months. As AMC which produces the show stated, it will come back to TV on October 13th this year.

If you don't want to wait that long time and don't have a plan for July 4th and this weekend, you should sit down in front of your TV watching 'The Walking Dead' season 4 preview. It's a preview, so some episodes will be presented in black and white. The new season will be very intense as the cast said. If you have read the comic book of 'The Walking Dead', you will find out the new season is different from the comic book.

There are three new characters will show up in the new season.

Laura A single mother who was a nurse
Melody A strong woman
Don An old man who is over 50 years old and has a grand daughter.

On July 4th - 7th, don't miss 'The Walking Dead' season 4 preview. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beyond TV Duo

Oh well, it is time to talk about what is beyond TV Duo.

TV Duo is run by Anything Creative Group that is founded by graduate students of Academy of Art University in 2013. TV Duo is presented not only on Blogger and Facebook page, but also on YouTube. However, we are still working on TV Duo video productions. We hope that you will discover more fun in TV Duo.

This video is the first part of the very first video that was made by Anything Creative.

What do you think it is about? The answer will be shown in next post!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Secret of Da Vinci

As we know, Da Vinci is one of the greatest artists in the world. His full name is Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. He was an Italian Renaissance polymath. A polymath simply means that a person knows almost everything. Da Vinci was not only a artist, but also a sculptor, an architect, a musician, a mathematician, an engineer and so on.

(Da Vinci's Self-Portrait)

From the books or his paintings, we don’t know about him a lot, but we can watch Da Vinci’s Demon that is a TV series produced by Starz. You can know more about Da Vinci’s legendary life. In this show, Da Vinci is a handsome and romantic guy. No one knows if that is true in the real history, but we all are willing to see beautiful things. The first season of Da Vinci’s Demon just finished. I think it is a great show and I am looking forward to season 2! If you are interested in history about Italian Renaissance, you should not miss this show. 

Vampire Fever Vol. 2 - Werewolves

Vampires are always the audience’s favorite character in vampire TV series or movies, do u think it would be boring if there were only vampire in a story? Therefore, you always see that the television scriptwriter puts vampire, werewolf and witches in a story. That makes the story more attractive and interesting. For some audience, the vampire might not be their favorite character because werewolves are also the attractive character in the TV shows.  Most werewolves in the TV shows are strong and handsome and have nice bodies. Most female audience just wow when they see werewolves show up in the shows.
(A screen capture of a werewolf from The Vampire Dairies)

In most vampire TV shows, werewolves are the predator for vampires. Vampires will die when werewolves bite them, but they are not always against each other.
Actually, in fairy tales, vampires have nothing with werewolves. All the stories between vampires and werewolves are written by the scriptwriters. However, werewolves and vampires have some commons. Both of them are out at night, and they can turn human beings to vampires or werewolves by their bites or blood. However, those stories are just in TV series.

There is an old book called Gilgamesh. In the story, Gilgamesh who is a sheepherder refused to be the lover of a Goddess called Ishtar, so Ishtar turned Gilgamesh to a wolf. This is one of the earliest stories about werewolves.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vampire Fever

The latest season of The Vampire Dairies just ended a few weeks ago, and another vampire TV series has come back. It's True Blood season 6. If you are a big fan of vampires, you should not miss this new season.

The story of vampire is originally from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. The film Bram Stoker's Dracula is also based on this novel. Actually, it is a sad love story. Dracula becomes a vampire to against the church after he found his wife dead and the church didn't bless his wife. Nowadays, most of vampires' stories are still love stories, but not that sad. A vampire falls in love with a human, but they can't be together unless the human turns to a vampire. After that, they can be together forever because vampires can live forever.

Vampire TV series is always popular among young people, because vampires are always handsome guys and beautiful girls and have unbelievable supernatural abilities and human's emotions. The most attractive point is the vampire's love stories. They are always touching.

We have True Blood this summer, and then the brand new season of The Vampires Dairies will come back in fall. It seems vampires are still full of our TV shows schedule.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TV Shows are not only TV Shows.

Most of us watch TV shows for daily entertainment, but do you think if you can learn something from TV shows? 

TV Duo shows what is beyond TV shows. 

In TV Duo, 

you can know more about Da Vinci's life beyond Da Vinci's Demons

you can know more about vampires's tales beyond The Vampire's Dairies.

you can know more about music beyond Glee.

There are a lot of stories waiting for you to discover in TV Duo.