Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beyond TV Duo

Oh well, it is time to talk about what is beyond TV Duo.

TV Duo is run by Anything Creative Group that is founded by graduate students of Academy of Art University in 2013. TV Duo is presented not only on Blogger and Facebook page, but also on YouTube. However, we are still working on TV Duo video productions. We hope that you will discover more fun in TV Duo.

This video is the first part of the very first video that was made by Anything Creative.

What do you think it is about? The answer will be shown in next post!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Secret of Da Vinci

As we know, Da Vinci is one of the greatest artists in the world. His full name is Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. He was an Italian Renaissance polymath. A polymath simply means that a person knows almost everything. Da Vinci was not only a artist, but also a sculptor, an architect, a musician, a mathematician, an engineer and so on.

(Da Vinci's Self-Portrait)

From the books or his paintings, we don’t know about him a lot, but we can watch Da Vinci’s Demon that is a TV series produced by Starz. You can know more about Da Vinci’s legendary life. In this show, Da Vinci is a handsome and romantic guy. No one knows if that is true in the real history, but we all are willing to see beautiful things. The first season of Da Vinci’s Demon just finished. I think it is a great show and I am looking forward to season 2! If you are interested in history about Italian Renaissance, you should not miss this show. 

Vampire Fever Vol. 2 - Werewolves

Vampires are always the audience’s favorite character in vampire TV series or movies, do u think it would be boring if there were only vampire in a story? Therefore, you always see that the television scriptwriter puts vampire, werewolf and witches in a story. That makes the story more attractive and interesting. For some audience, the vampire might not be their favorite character because werewolves are also the attractive character in the TV shows.  Most werewolves in the TV shows are strong and handsome and have nice bodies. Most female audience just wow when they see werewolves show up in the shows.
(A screen capture of a werewolf from The Vampire Dairies)

In most vampire TV shows, werewolves are the predator for vampires. Vampires will die when werewolves bite them, but they are not always against each other.
Actually, in fairy tales, vampires have nothing with werewolves. All the stories between vampires and werewolves are written by the scriptwriters. However, werewolves and vampires have some commons. Both of them are out at night, and they can turn human beings to vampires or werewolves by their bites or blood. However, those stories are just in TV series.

There is an old book called Gilgamesh. In the story, Gilgamesh who is a sheepherder refused to be the lover of a Goddess called Ishtar, so Ishtar turned Gilgamesh to a wolf. This is one of the earliest stories about werewolves.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vampire Fever

The latest season of The Vampire Dairies just ended a few weeks ago, and another vampire TV series has come back. It's True Blood season 6. If you are a big fan of vampires, you should not miss this new season.

The story of vampire is originally from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. The film Bram Stoker's Dracula is also based on this novel. Actually, it is a sad love story. Dracula becomes a vampire to against the church after he found his wife dead and the church didn't bless his wife. Nowadays, most of vampires' stories are still love stories, but not that sad. A vampire falls in love with a human, but they can't be together unless the human turns to a vampire. After that, they can be together forever because vampires can live forever.

Vampire TV series is always popular among young people, because vampires are always handsome guys and beautiful girls and have unbelievable supernatural abilities and human's emotions. The most attractive point is the vampire's love stories. They are always touching.

We have True Blood this summer, and then the brand new season of The Vampires Dairies will come back in fall. It seems vampires are still full of our TV shows schedule.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TV Shows are not only TV Shows.

Most of us watch TV shows for daily entertainment, but do you think if you can learn something from TV shows? 

TV Duo shows what is beyond TV shows. 

In TV Duo, 

you can know more about Da Vinci's life beyond Da Vinci's Demons

you can know more about vampires's tales beyond The Vampire's Dairies.

you can know more about music beyond Glee.

There are a lot of stories waiting for you to discover in TV Duo.